Installation and performance in collaboration with Cora Wöllenstein, Springhouse Dresden Germany 2014
Bringing the nature in to the office, distorting it layer by layer until only the abstract idea of nature remains.
"The extensive installation Metamorphosis revolved around a group of themes: firstly, how humans appropriate nature and attempt to shape, regulate and control it; secondly, how nature defies them, continuously ptroducing new images of its complex cohesion; And lastly, how it escapes attemps to control it.
With the aid of overhead projectors, everyday office supplies like paper, slides etc. were merged with items from nature, such as leaves and branches to form new and constantly changing structures over the course of the exhibition. These were presented as both sculptural entities and two-dimensional images. "
- The Springhouse Catalogue 2014
Springhouse explores the interchange and the tensions between private and public spaces. Participating artists were invited to transform private houses into a temporary space for the arts by means of contemporary artistic interventions. Springhouse aims to blur the boundaries between production of art and usual work and living processes. It is a project initiated and curated by Anna Bründl and Sven Christian Schuch.